No, not the award. Oscar Freiberger, the character.
A couple of weeks ago, I got involved in an email dispute with a couple of coworkers about the TV show LOST. I've always been a big fan of the character Kate (played by the lovely Evangeline Lilly) but these two guys can't stand her. They contend that she's worthless as a character because she contributes nothing to the story. "She's just around to screw things up. Name one thing she's done," one of them said. Now, at the time, all I could think of was a lame response: "She keeps me watching."
But the question stuck with me. I've since thought of several things Kate's contributed to the story, not the least of which was taking Aaron off the island. But the idea that a character has to actually do something proactive to have value to a story kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I mean, Kate, as a reluctant member of the love triangle between herself, Sawyer and Jack, has had great influence over the decisions those two have made and, thus, has affected the story, albeit indirectly. And, in her defense, her character is not uninteresting. Her backstory is one of the more action-packed and riveting of the entire group.
So, as I'm now working on the script for the third part* of THE HAND ME DOWN HORROR, I started thinking about the relevance of my own characters. I wanted my lead character Johnny to have a fairly large group of friends because, unless you're talking about Peter Parker, most high-schoolers do. I wasn't what you'd call popular by any stretch of the imagination but, at that age, I had a "crew" that I hung around with at lunch and between classes and went to the movies with. Some of us were closer than others. But it was a nice, comfortable group that I knew I could count on if I needed something. And vice versa.
As I've been progressing into the more vaguely plotted-out portion of my story (I didn't do an outline so I know the beginning and end but only some of what comes between.) I'm noticing that some of my characters have, to this point, just been around for atmosphere and as foils for Johnny. (But, hey, nobody ever complains about Dr. Watson.) They all have their arcs and backstories and I'd intended to include all that in the story but I'm noticing just how little of that sort of thing you can include without slowing things down. Eamon's arc is my favorite and one that I think would resonate the most with readers. But I keep wondering if it has any real relevance to the main story. I would hate to shoehorn in something just because I like it. That's just self-indulgent.
Fortunately, I don't have that problem with Oscar, seen in the drawing above. When I was first thinking about these characters, I had an old high-school chum in mind if only in appearance and demeanor. I really liked this guy because, back then, in the age before the internet, he was a goldmine of knowledge about all kinds of obscure things I'd never heard of. He lived with his parents in what looked like a delightful old farm house with wonderfully creaky floorboards and, one day, when I gave him a ride home after school, he took me to his room and showed me his collection of old beer bottles and cans that are probably worth a fortune today. He had great taste in music and, while the rest of us were listening to 80's Pop (not knocking it, mind you) on the one good station in the area, he was walking around in DOORS T-shirts and listening to the classics that I wouldn't be exposed to until college. His dad ran a hardware store and, when we visited him, he'd talk to you like just another guy, and not like some kid that was bugging him.
As I got into the story, though, all that, neat as it was, wasn't enough and I realized I needed someone who knew the things that Johnny needs to find out. Johnny's not dumb but he's my Everyman (well, Everykid) and ultra-smart kids can sometimes come off as annoying or precocious. That's not Johnny. And I didn't want him spending the whole story on the computer Googling things. I want this to feel like a timeless coming-of-age story and kids sitting around with laptops is anything but timeless. (Can you imagine Wil Wheaton in STAND BY ME calling for help on his iPhone and pinpointing the body's location with GPS? Ugh.) So enter Oscar. Oscar knows everything. It's actually a sort of running gag throughout the story. Oscar probably couldn't use a shovel but he can give you a thirty minute dissertation on the Battle of Hastings whether you want to hear it or not. But he's also annoyingly sarcastic. He needed a personality so I started thinking, "What would Gregory House have been like as a kid?" And, boom. Oscar was born. I hope you'll like him as much as I do.
I was going to include some logo designs but, since work is a real bear lately (how am I ever going to draw this damned book when I barely have time to write it?) and this post has gone way long, I'll save them for next time.
* This, by the way, is the most I've ever scripted out on any of my little amateur projects. I've written (and re-written) untold "first issues" and typed up complete plots of at least half a dozen ideas and written several short stories and one novella. But I think I may actually finish this one. Imagine that.
You have mad skilz at drawing. I bet when you get the script written, the art (though time-consuming) will come easier. After all, you probably are envisioning and laying things out in your head as you type. Your character designs look great. I'm looking forward to buying this in the foreseeable future. :)
Re - Kate.
Did you know Kate was supposed to be the lead character of the series. When they originally shot the pilot, Matthew Fox’s Jack was supposed to die within the first hour leaving Kate as the defacto leader of the castaways.
I was going to write something over the last few weeks about LOST and I wanted to use a few of the great drawings Mike did to illustrate the posts but certainly didn’t want to transgress.
What has Kate done?
She took Aaron off the island, yes but also...
Got Sun to get on the helicopter before the freighter blew up thereby insuring Sun was able to have her baby.
She added her voice to Jack’s to convince the Oceanic Six to lie about what had happened to them.
She took Clair back to the medical hatch so she could figure out what happened when Ethan kidnapped her and also made the discovery that the others were actually masquerading (remember she found Tom’s stage makeup).
And let us not forget, she was the one who stitched Jack up in the pilot!
well, i feel bad that i've missed these two posts--mike's spider-ham and this one about kate, and more importantly, hand me down horror--but i've been reading this fantastic book (just finished it a few minutes ago and will call you right now, matt!!)
re: kate--i think your friends should ask themselves what many of the other characters have done as well. once you look at it that way, you really begin to realize what an ensemble piece lost really is; they all contribute something--are vital members of the 'family'--and yet, aside from the very proactive jack and locke, they all blend in. and yet each is a very important piece of the puzzle.
i love kate. can't wait to see how this all plays out...
as for hand me horror, now that i'm done with that anvil of a novel, i'll be checking out the script to part 2 in the next day or so.i love reading this, matt, am honored you're letting me, and think your writing is awesome. your plotting and pacing of issue one have me clamoring for more--and eager to see this done so that everyone can enjoy your tale!
I really dig the look of Oscar, Matt, nice job and even more than his look, I like your description of the character.
As for Kate, her involvement with both Sawyer and Jack has played a big part in the development of both characters and, as others already have pointed out, she's done a lot in terms of moving the story forward.
As for Todd's comments on your writing of issue 1, if Todd likes it, then you know it is good.
Glad to see you're still working on this. I haven't read any of my followed blogs in forever and you had just started talking about it at the time.
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