If The Demolisher was my Batman then this guy, Heat-Ray, was my Superman. Heat-Ray was the guy I couldn't wait to draw when I got up in the morning. Thinking back, it amazes me how alive these silly little characters seemed to me when I was a little kid. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost all my HEAT-RAY comics (and quite a few of my other masterpieces as well). I do, however, seem to remember seeing the first issue of what I believe was called NOBLE TEAM-UP featuring the first pairing of my two titans, Heat-Ray and (you guessed it...) The Demolisher! It's in my stuff somewhere and if I find it, I'll post the cover.
Heat-Ray, as you can probably tell from the sketch above, was based on the Hanna-Barbera character Space Ghost. I even got the name from an episode of SPACE GHOST when he exclaims, "I'd better try using my heat ray!" When I "designed" Heat-Ray, I misinterpreted the stylish way Alex Toth drew Space Ghost's cowl and, to my seven-year-old mind, Space Ghost had no neck. So Heat-Ray ended up looking more like Juggernaut, pyramid-shaped head and all. When I got older, I started tinkering with Heat-Ray's look, trying to minimize the Space Ghost influences by getting rid of the triangle head. I just ended up making him look more like Space Ghost.
Cross your fingers. Hopefully, when I get home, I can locate some Heat-Ray stuff. I know the world is just holding its breath in anticipation.
WOW. I really like that one. I see the space ghost similarities.. but if you're going for a traditional superhero costume it pretty much has to resemble someone done before. Your best that you've shared so far. wow. again.
I think we all took liberties in what was already there as a kid(for me, teen). Had a doozy named Painkiller. He was the handicapped son of a millionare/technical genius. The father was also moonlighting as an armored crime fighter. His father died when saving his son (thus the handicap-lost his legs). His son, left the empire and all the responsibility, learns of his fathers nightjob and redesigns the armor to favor him. Thus becoming a legacy...
Even based his father's armor off the Judas Priest PAINKILLER album.
You can play a game with that one!
I dig your art!
Matt! You've got yourself a fan forever! I'm loving your art, it's a tremendously pleasing style that you have. I love this drawing. If you don't watch yourself, I'm going to start bugging you for a commissioned piece. My son's name is Kent, (in honor of the Man of Steel)... and I'm beginning to collect Superman pieces for him, maybe down the line I can get a Matt Wieringo for his wall, or we can do the old artists art trade... check out my humble blog sometime and see if anything strikes your fancy. You're really good man. Alright, I'll be back tomorrow for my Mafus fix. Have a good one. -Chris.
Haha I love it! This is some great stuff. I love that pic of the two of them you have here. Hope to hear and see more of this guy. I also think you have a great art style. Good job Matt.
I hate to invoke City of Heroes again, but I made a near exact duplicate of Space Ghost's costume for a Halloween event on my server. I think Space Ghost's costume ranks up there with Batman's and Captain America's. So if you're going to borrow a look, it's good to borrow a good one.
Love the drawing.
Since Spaceghost is Batman without the ears, one should never feel bad about borrowing form SG.
Your line: "I started tinkering with Heat-Ray's look, trying to minimize the Space Ghost influences by getting rid of the triangle head. I just ended up making him look more like Space Ghost."
That made me laugh out loud.
Nice drawing. Can't wait to see more.
Nice drawing Matt. Space Ghost was always one of my favorites. I wanted his Power Bands in the worst way.
Thanks, everyone.
Chris, your stuff at your blog is amazing You've got a great, tight style. Anytime you want to trade artwork is fine with me. I'd be honored.
Awesome drawing Matt! Your style is really coming into its own. Clean, lovely stuff, reminded me a bit of Paul Smith's work when I first saw it, which is to say, GREAT!
Fun stuff too, I'd love to see you revisit these characters in a story, with the same tongue-in-cheek writing style that your descriptions have.
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