First, thanks everybody for all the encouragement going into Heroes. I’m determined to have a good time because the Heroes Con was more than just a comic book convention to Mike. It was his home away from home and I’ll be damned if I’m going to bring anybody down. Mike would hate that. So if you’re coming, bring your smiles.
Cully, thank you. I will sign your comic. I would, in fact, do anything for you. Eric, I’d be honored to do a sketch for you. Especially when we’re able to make our announcement leading up to the con. Hopefully Tuesday.
Now, the bad news. Lest everyone think Debbie Downer has gone home for the month, I guess I should mention that my Dad’s brother J.E. passed away this week. He was in his late 70s and it wasn’t exactly a surprise as he’d been in poor health for a while. But it’s yet another blow to my Dad in a short span of time. There was a great line in the latest INDIANA JONES movie. A character said, “We’ve reached the age where life stops giving you things and starts taking them away.” That seems very appropriate right now. J.E. (“Buster” to just about everybody) lived as close to “next door” as you can to where my parents live so, though I guess we (meaning me, not my Dad) weren’t that close emotionally, J.E. and his family were a big part of our lives. We saw him, or at least his house, every day. It’s very strange to think that he’s gone now.
And just so I don’t leave you with another completely somber post, here’s a picture of my old buddy Rom. If it weren’t for Nova, Rom would be at the top of my list of favored superheroes. In fact, I think this is the only established character I’ve posted two sketches of here. I’m pretty happy with this and so, though I could point out numerous flaws with it, I won’t. Drawing Rom has put a smile on my face today and I’m going to enjoy it. I hope you do too.
Matt-Sorry to hear about your uncle, my condolences to you and your family....
I wish I could make it to Heroes, it sounds like it's going to be a great con. I didn't get to post this in the last entry but I'd be honored if I were going to have you sign my copy. I ordered a few otherwise tho.
Great Space Knight! While I never read ROM, now I'm feeling the urge to go out and do so....my wallet thanks you. =)
An most excellent Space Knight, my friend. Done in the finest of Wieringo tradition. Kudos.
And, yeah, we're gonna have us some fun at Heroes. With me as a roomie how could you not? (If not, I'm gonna bleed you real quiet and leave you. Muhahhaha.) Seriously, Predator quotes aside, I'm sure we'll have the wallpaper peeling off the walls before Saturday night.
Rom never looked better.
Sorry about your uncle. I'm getting into AARP years myself and many of the adults who were a part of my life, as constant as the sunrise or the evening news, are gone. Now, I'm in that position in another generation's eyes and it just kinda flips me out.
Hope I make it to my 70's though. I'd like to be a wrinkled old coot before I go.
I'm looking forward to seeing you at Heroes Con next weekend. And I'll stand in your line to sign my book. :)
I knew you were having fun drawing...I can see it!
Have I said Kick-ass drawing?
Well, it is!
Glad you're looking forward to HEROES!...will be rooting for ya from here...
btw...Kick-ass drawing!
After numerous conversations and watching me sketch and create a 3D model of him, one of my coworkers looked over my shoulder as I was drawing this and moaned, "That guy...again?!!
Heh heh heh.
I've been following your blog since Jadielady.com told me about you. She was sharing her grief over your brother's passing. I regret to hear you're experiencing another family loss and express my condolences. Thank you for sharing your experiences and continued art. Draw on!
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