I love all the books that Two Morrows puts out and until they cancelled ROUGH STUFF and WRITE NOW!, I was spending more on their magazines each month than on the comics they were writing about. They just put out a long-overdue (in my opinion) tribute book focusing on the great Sal Buscema who is my all-time favorite comic book artist (Sorry, Darwyn.) and one of my personal heroes. (I forgive him for barely remembering and not really liking Nova. Nobody's perfect.)
Imagine my delight when they emailed me a while back to ask if I would be okay with them using one of Mike’s drawings of Spider-Ham for the cover of this month’s BACK ISSUE! (Which was really nice of them considering they didn’t have to, as far as I know. Marvel? Yes. Me? No.) Though the drawing’s been seen before, I’m so excited to see Mike’s artwork on the front of a new publication.
I can’t express how thrilling it always was for me to pick up Mike’s books each month. I’m in my 40’s now but I was still a little brother and still a comic fan. Seeing that ‘Ringo signature on a cover always filled me with pride and I couldn’t wait until the next time I could talk to Mike about his latest work. I can’t exactly call him up anymore but at least I’ll get to have a little bit of the old thrill again this Wednesday. So thanks, Two Morrows. I owe ya one.
Looks like a fun issue. Make sure to check it out.
Noice! I'll make sure Patrick orders me a copy.
Funny that you make a post about this! I picked one up today! I was browsing the shelves and it jumped out at me. It was the only one my store got, but it was nice to see Mike's work and name on something newly published! And it does look like a fun issue.
That's great, Matt! What a wonderful feeling that must have been for you!
I haven't forgotten that phone call I promised you, buddy. I'm just recovering from over two weeks of being sick. I'll call soon.
I've only read a little bit of this issue so far but it's great! Never knew about Forbush-Man. Nice interview with Fred Hembeck too.
And you got a mention in the editor's note-that's awesome!
I love it.
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