Gonna be another long night at work tonight. (It's becoming a Thursday tradition, apparently.) So, I thought I'd lighten my mood by posting the haul I got from Heroes. These are the covers (or close facsimiles) of all the trades I picked up. This is what broke the bank...and my back.
That's it? For some reason I had you pegged at even more. Still, a nice score.
I buy by weight, not volume. :)
Young Avengers! That's a great book. I have the Premiere format of volume one, and must get the second volume before it sells out.
And She-Hulk!! Awesome! I have all of the graphics myself! When I heard that Dan Slott was finishing up his run on issue 21, I thought "That's it. It's dead. Unless they get the impossible choice of someone like Peter David to take over, I'm not interested." And then they announced Peter is indeed the replacemnet!! WOOO!!!! The only thing better would be if he dragged your brother along with him on art duty. That team, on that book, and I would have my all-time favourite impossible dream come true!
Great choices, and a great haul. I love how you got the Nick Fury graphic novel, and the Wolverine homage of the same cover! Nice!
Looks like I had just over half of your take. I can recall 15 trades, but there may be one or two I'm forgetting. Yikes. Gonna have to spend a lot of time in the treehouse this weekend putting everything away.
That's a lot of cool looking loot, bro....
TONS of great reading!
Denis, I've been wanting to try SHE-HULK for a long time but, and I hate to admit it, I was "waiting for the trade." Most of the time, I don't, but I'd missed several issues and they'd sold out. Unfortunately, I still don't have the first volume, so I can't start reading these two until I get that one. Didn't know there was another YOUNG AVENGERS volume either. I'll have to pick that up. Still didn't find any NEXT WAVE. May have to hit Amazon.
When I was looking for that FURY trade, I kept running across the WOLVERINE one. Finally, partly out of frustration and partly out of love of JR, Jr., I picked it up too, along with the "Enemy of the State" one.
Mike, I agree. I can't wait to read all of these. No time right now but I've got some much-needed vacation time coming up in a week or two.
Well, that's one thing we definately disagree on! I can't stand JR Jr. I find his art rushed and sloppy, I'm not at all a fan of his excessive use of lines, or his squared faces (and I love Joe Mads blocky cartoon style, so I'm not sure why I'm not into JRs blocky style). Anyway, you should try to pick up She-Hulk Vol 1, Nextwave Vol 2, Young Avengers Vol 2, Runaways (hardback) Vol 1 and 2... oh... oh... I feel sick... must shop on amazon. Must get new graphic novels... must read more...
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