In my previous post, I mentioned the epic meeting of my two heroes, Heat-Ray and the Demolisher. Well, here it is.
Apparently, by the time this issue "hit the stands", Noble Comics had fallen on hard times and was snapped up by M.W. Comics. M.W. looks to have been a low-budget, fly-by-night operation, resorting to shady tactics like tracing cover art from other publications.

The writers were not immune to the decline in professionalism, either. One merely needs to read the story's title, "Cometh of the Crusher" to know we're in trouble.
Our story opens as the Crusher leans against a lamppost, really just minding his own business when the two heroes show up and decide to kick his ass for no apparent reason. Maybe they're curious how one earns the name "Crusher." Or maybe they just don't like his purple tights. Who knows? Lucky for the Crusher, he gives as good as he gets, giving Demolisher a one-two combination while exclaiming, "Take that...and that!" Having gained the upper hand, Crusher slips away into the night. We're then treated to a two-panel interlude, introducing us to a pre-AUSTIN POWERS Dr. Evil. We know Dr. Evil is a badass because he kicks some poor unnamed guy out of his office before laughing maniacally. Scared yet? You should be.
Back to the action, Demolisher and Heat-Ray, while pursuing the poor Crusher, have a net thrown over them by...somebody. No sooner does Heat-Ray rip the net apart than the duo find themselves caught in a cliffhanger...namely, the ol' slowly-compressing wall-vice. Up next...THE SMASHER!
Just the other day somebody threw a gosh-damned net over ME and... I never saw who... actually it wasn't a net at all, it was a 20 foot long pair of PURPLE TIGHTS! sorry, I've been up too long.
i can't think of a better cover to swipe--that marvel team-up 56 rocks harder than the magikist!!! (loves me the marvel team ups!) nice too that you were taking the time to come up with new and (i'm sure to you at the time...) original names for our heroes' antagonists--crusher and smasher! woo hoo!
what about updates on these two...?
talk to ya soon!
I'd like to believe that the M.W. cover artist was drinking heavily and the Crusher is over 40 feet tall 'cuz that's like peanut butter and chocolate mixed together—creamy creative goodness puttin' shame in Liefeld's game.
The Smasher, eh? I bet he has oxen-like strength like an ox.
LMAO - You keep writing, I keep laughing.
I may never go to therapy again.
I find myself swinging by just to see if you've posted anymore of these. Keep em coming.
Haha I love this stuff. Your reflections are the best on these. I'm thinking though that there might have been a little been more going on than just drinking at the M.W. offices. haha
If you ever decide to quit the art biz, I think you'd have a decent career as a writer. This stuff is gold! Your "reviews" crack me up!
I think the art biz is a foregone conclusion, Rich. Still holding out hope for the writing part but I'm not getting any younger.
Maybe, Matt, but nobody can see the gray hairs onscreen, or in print! ;-)
I agree with Rich, age is absolutely nothing. It's amazing just how many artists and writers really get into the meat of their careers (or start a career) later in life, for just one example, look at Al Hirschfeld, one of my idols, he did amazing work until the day he died and he just missed 100 by a hair.
The thing keeping me writing and drawing my own stuff these last couple of years (other than Leaf's encouragement) is the fact that Darwyn Cooke didn't even get really started until he was in his 40s. But, then, he's DARWYN COOKE!!!
But he wasn't DARWIN COOKE until his 40's, before that he was Darwin Cooke.
Hang in there and don't give up on the dream.
Gotta agree with the others, hilarious stuff, Matt!
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