First up is Prince Vlad himself, Dracula. He has several different looks throughout the story, including (as seen in the lower right corner) the historical Vlad. I didn't want to be strictly bound to the few existing portraits of the real man himself. I took my "post-curse" design and incorporated a few elements but I took some liberties with the hair (Draculea's appeared to be fairly curly in the paintings I've seen.) and changed the mustache. But I think you can tell who it's supposed to be at a glance. This whole exercise was sparked by a sketch I did last week showing a scene featuring Vlad from the first chapter. I've included that one as well.

Next is Dana Barnes. I think these drawings capture her character pretty well. She's obviously a little tomboyish but unmistakably feminine enough to catch Johnny's eye. A bit of a flirt but practical when she has to be.

And, finally, our hero. I think Johnny's hair still looks a little off. I'm not sure what it is. When I was writing the story, Johnny just always had long hair in my mind. I can't picture him without it. Hopefully, it's not too distracting.

Anyway, I hope you like them. Busy as I am, I'm on a real roll this week. Every free second, I've had a pen or pencil in my hand. It's becoming addictive. I just hope I can get some time at home so I can fulfill my obligations to Todd and Craig. I'm really feeling a little ashamed of myself!
dude--you're doing us a favor and you're upset because, with all the incredibly kind and compassionate things you do, you needed a little downtime?
and we're family, bro--
family means never having to be ashamed.
(or something like that...)
fantastic designs for the three main characters! or rather, three of the mainier characters! can't wait to see more!
I}ll tell you something...
When I was looking through the blog and I saw the images I really liked the first one.
I didn’t know exactly why, it was the gesture as well as the drawing but something about it caught my attention and then looking at it today, I realized what it was-you must have been channeling Don Bluth with that one.
There is something in it that reminded me of Space Ace and Dragon’s Lair.
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